The mini-vacation that was anything but a vacation

This week is Spring Break for our two kiddos. While work is a bit nutty at the moment, we are lucky enough to live within about an hour’s drive from some fun, small ski resorts. I don’t ski, but Handsome and the kids took lessons in January and I thought it would be great for them to get a last shot at the slopes for the season and spend two nights away as a family.  My plan was to do work while they were off skiing and then we could swim or do other activities together.

The kids were jazzed about skiing and snowboarding and I was excited to be away with them as well. On both of our last trips I was less than a month out from DDay #1 (in one case, only two days away), and I was definitely not functioning well. I did everything imaginable to ensure both that they wouldn’t see me weep and that I didn’t take my anger and sadness out on them, but I’m sure there was bleed-over.  I wanted to make that up to them somehow and I really enjoy these short get-aways. Handsome, however, seemed “off” from the very start. I was wary about how the trip would go, but I was hopeful he would prove my fears to be unfounded.

We have been arguing off and on about Angel Baby and the Flame for the better part of two weeks. He sees no deeper meaning in his relationships with them, whereas I see nothing but red flags. If I’m waiting for him to fall to the floor at my feet and weep over the impropriety of those relationships, it just isn’t happening.  Not yet, at least. (To be clear, he has apologized for his recent involvement with them, but sees no issue with the fact that both relationships took root when the women were older adolescents.) I was hopeful that after my conversation with the Doc, they would spend some time discussing both women in their next therapy session which occurred just before we left on our trip. That didn’t happen, so those open sores appeared to be festering as we got on the road. They did, however, apparently cover some ground initiated by the Doc about Handsome’s upbringing and the impact of having two alcoholic parents, so that was at least a step in the right direction.

Handsome was on edge throughout the entire trip. He seemed alternately angry, resentful, frustrated, and just plain miserable.  My kids and I tried really hard to just ignore it – like we have always done with “Daddy’s moods” – but that only goes so far, and my kids mirror a lot of his conduct. If he’s petulant or combative, so are they.  If he’s happy and joyful and appreciating a moment, so are they. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough of the latter on this trip.

In the wake of both DDays, I surmised that – especially in the last year – a lot of Handsome’s asshole-ish behavior on trips was because he was away from his drug. No sexting, no voyeurism, no calls, etc. No hits. Those cold- turkey breaks had to be tough and he just couldn’t get enough of a rush or that same high from spending time with his wife and kids. Fine, I guess, but what’s the big problem now? Why is this crappy behavior back so suddenly? He’s been sober for almost four months. For the most part he has been a consistently kinder, gentler, more thoughtful version of himself since DDay #1. Is the rubber finally hitting the road with his recovery? Is the reality that all of his acting out behaviors must be gone forever finally hitting home?

I made it through the trip and my kids had a blast in spite of their moody dad and uncooperative weather. I just wish that I could say the same. I’m tired – literally exhausted – of trying to work double time to ensure that Handsome doesn’t spoil things for our kids. I’d love a vacation, or just a day or two away, where I could actually freely relax and enjoy myself too. I haven’t had that in a very, very long time. (I had hoped that would be our long-planned trip to Europe in December, but DDay #1 absolutely destroyed that vacation.) Perhaps that’s a bit aspirational for moms in general, but it seems positively unrealistic for me at the moment unless I leave Handsome at home. Unfortunately, I don’t see how I can do that given where he is/ is not in his recovery and given that a good bit of his acting out occurred when I was traveling. We are drawing closer to summer vacation which is when I would usually take the kids to our summer home for a few weeks.  The very thought of that fills me with dread this year. I used to look forward to the trip with great anticipation.  I know now that Handsome did too, because he acted out the entire time I was away and started plotting his misdeeds months in advance. I don’t want him there if it’s just going to be more of his crappy, moody behavior, but I also can’t stomach worrying about what he is or is not doing by himself. Perhaps this is a year we just stay home. But how much of everyone else’s lives does he get to ruin because he can’t control himself? How many good things does he get to take away because of his addiction?

4 thoughts on “The mini-vacation that was anything but a vacation”

  1. Betrayedwife, I wish the mini vacation had gone better for you and the kids, you all definitely deserve it.

    And I hope you will get the time you need somehow in the summer, even if that means you get some rest at home. Handsome (and all addicts) can act out whether you’re home or not. I understand the anxiety you would feel may be the reason to not go, but your presence would not be the thing to make him stay sober. I went on a mini trip with my girlfriends 2 months after the big dday and I had MAJOR anxiety, not because I was afraid he was acting out, but it was just too soon and I had read his journal (unbeknownst to him still) and knew he was still omitting parts of his story. I wished I had not gone because I had too much anxiety about that (and he had just been home from the hospital for a month after the suicide attempt.

    Do what makes YOU feel good; whatever that may be. So if it’s staying home so you don’t have anxiety, then so be it. There is no right or wrong.

    Happy Easter xo

    1. Happy Easter to you too!

      I absolutely agree that my presence at home isn’t a guaranty that he won’t act out, but I’m mindful that everything other than Handsome’s rampant sexting and voyeurism did occur while I was physically out of town. The hotel tryst, the squiring of women to fancy meals, Angel Baby coming to my home, his date…. all while I was away and there was zero chance of discovery. And this month -April- is when he seems to have started plotting his activities in prior years. I feel crazy to be triggered by an entire month on the calendar.

      I am leaning towards going to New England, but it’s going to be tough. I know though that I can’t babysit him. If he’s going to break his sobriety and act out, that’s when it’s most likely to happen. On one level I know that and know that if he does so despite his therapy and 12 step program that his issues are bigger than I even imagine. And on another, more emotional level, that possibility terrifies me.


  2. I think you should book a weekend with girlfriends to your vacation house, girls style. Put a GPS on his car and a voice activated Audio recorder taped under the passenger seat. If he’s serious about recovery he will also be serious about your recovery. Send the kids to some friends for the weekend. Or even better, let him be on dad duty. Because he’s a parent. Boo boo.

  3. I know it’s hard to believe and that it takes time, but it does get better. What used to give me anxiety, doesn’t most times now (and maybe I’ve found a fee new triggers).

    This is such a hard and confusing time, this shit fucks a girl up (sorry for the expletives, but here is no really nice way to say it 😉). I’ve discovered some things about myself that I never knew, your brain will adjust and you will feel happiness again – I promise.

    Have you ever been to the blog Betrayed Wives Club? There are sooooo many supportive women who have dug out of the hole and survived this journey, it is very encouraging and also relatable and won’t feel so alone in your thoughts and up and down crazy feelings. The blogger is married to a sexy addict and she is so damn inspiring you will have no choice but to know you have a tribe. It has helped me greatly ❤️

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