With this blog post I fully recognize that I may drive some folks away, anger others, and generally disappoint a few folks. I’m sorry/ not sorry. For the second time (at least) in three months, my reality was completely upended AGAIN just days ago. I knew full well that during our big talk last week Handsome had only told me the truth that he was capable of telling me at that moment. I felt that he tried, but did not overly stretch himself. I figured that there was more to come, but based on the prior trickle truth I guessed that additional disclosures would be about the number of times various sexual acts occurred or the duration of the affair with the Whore or things along those lines. I was wrong. Boy was I wrong.
It just so happens that on the day of the big talk I had pulled together all of Handsome’s credit card and bank statements going back to January 2015. I had not had time to go through them prior to our talk. Once I did, I found three things:
- several charges of not insignificant amounts at a very nice restaurant I have never been to;
- several charges at a nearby casual chain that the kids and I have been to exactly once with Handsome (at which time he plainly stated he had never visited before);
- a charge to a website in the Netherlands for a small but suspicious amount of money.
So, four days after the big talk we are again at our kitchen table. First up: the restaurants. Deny, deny, deny. Fine, but his anxiety level was clearly increasing. He got up and started pacing, finding little tasks to do, stretching, sighing loudly, etc. I knew something was up.
Contrary to what you see on TV, under questioning by a lawyer (think cross examination of a witness or defendant) people rarely fess up. So rarely, in fact, that in the real world most lawyers rarely try to get that broken down confession on the stand. There are too many things that can go wrong, and it almost never turns out the way you’d hope. But Handsome was going to make me work for every sliver of concession (or confession as the case may be), so I put on my lawyer hat and we started talking about the credit card charge – to an entity called 2buysafe dot com. Their website looks ridiculous, but when you use Google reasonably well it’s easy to find out that they serve as a third party billing service for Seeking Arrangements and sites of similar ilk. I had done my homework. I knew this. I had proof printed out, in hand.
When confronted, originally Handsome denied knowing what the charge was, said it must have been a mistake, all the usual. Then he took a deep breath, stretched, and blurted out “okay, yes, I signed up… I signed up on that site.” Amen. That was the beginning of hours of discussion and additional disclosures. As to the site itself, he says he signed up, created a profile, and received emails from women all over the world but that it was just “too freaky” for him (plus he doesn’t have enough money of his own to function as a sugar daddy) so he let the account expire. I believe that could be true, but I also believe that taking that step, and failing, is what led to the next step for him – starting the affair with the Whore.
But, because nothing is ever that simple in Crazytown, there was more. Much more. In short:
- He admitted that he occasionally took a young girl from the town he works in to dinner and to lunches. He had mentioned this girl to me often in the past, back to when she was a young teenager. At the time, I warned him to keep his distance because I feared she had an unhealthy crush on him and could make accusations against him. (Note: I was not afraid of what he would do – as I had no reason to fear that at the time- but rather I feared her.) I think he did keep his distance then, but years have passed and she has since gotten older (I believe she is now 24) and needier. We will call her Angel Baby.
- He said Angel Baby came to our house and drove him to the airport once when he was flying to meet up with me and the kids “because she needed the money” and he wanted to give her the money rather than a taxi. He never mentioned this to me.
- He admitted that this past July, before he flew up to meet the kids and me on vacation, he brought Angel Baby to our home. He says he found her crying on the street in the rain and that she had nowhere to stay. (Boo fucking hoo, right??) She spent two nights there. On both nights, they shared a bed. In my house. There are five other beds in my house, all of which were free, but for some reason he just had to sleep with her. Go figure. Handsome insists “nothing happened” and that there was no sexual contact at all. (I call complete bullshit on this, by the way. I assume he fucked her. In fact, I’m pretty much going to assume he fucked everyone from here on out.)
- He also admitted that he has been in contact with the old girlfriend again for several years, ever since he bought his burner phone. (I mention her briefly here https://betrayedwife.net/2018/02/05/dday-deceit-as-a-lifestyle-choice/ .) We will call her the Flame. According to him, he took her to lunch once since he resumed contact with her. They called and texted “often” until, he still claims, he tossed the burner phone in the river back in November. (I have never fully believed that he doesn’t have the phone. I believe he may not be actively using it, but Handsome is a keeper of things. I doubt very strongly that he tossed it.) This burns me. I thought seriously about separating from him over her back in 2012, but didn’t. He assured me it was nothing and it was over. And here she is again, years down the pike.
If you are keeping score, that means that in July 2017, Handsome was involved outside our marriage (emotionally, physically, or both) with the Whore, Angel Baby, and the Flame. But, of course, there is still more.
- On July 26th, he took a woman from the town he works in to dinner. Handsome had A FUCKING DATE. He drove 7 miles to pick her up, drove about 10 miles back to the lovely restaurant, paid for dinner, and then drove her home. He says he kissed her but nothing more. (Again, I assume he fucked her too.) Contact with her started a few weeks before the date – probably around the same time Angel Baby was shacking up in my home and right before our summer vacation – and allegedly ended about 4-6 weeks after the date.
Final tally for July 2017: four other women, plus me.
When it was simply the Whore, I thought I was just dealing with a cheater. Even if you added in the Flame and what I knew from 2012. A common, garden variety philanderer, but nothing special. That was brutal and devastating and awful and horrendous. However, when you add all of this insane escalating behavior together, the result is clear to me. My husband, my dear darling, still beloved Handsome is a sex addict. He is a broken, deeply troubled man. It is real. It is unquestionable. And now we have to deal with it. He found and attended his first SA meeting the following morning, of his own volition. Two days later he met with his therapist and admitted that he has been lying to him all along. I am grateful he finally admitted all of this to me and that he took those steps, and I have told him so, but still…
This is not what I signed up for. Looking ahead, it doesn’t even vaguely resemble the future that I had hoped and worked for every day since we got married. My life – even if we manage to stay together through this which is far from certain – will never, ever be what I thought it was before. And I liked most of my life before. I didn’t step forward and volunteer for a new life, but now I’m damned if I do (a future of 12 step meetings and therapy and triggers and the fear of relapses), and damned if I don’t (breaking up my family, moving my kids, closing the door on a future with the man I adore and had planned to spend the rest of my life with).
How did I feel as I looked at him these last few days? I pity him. That’s a terrible feeling when you are looking at your life partner and someone you love and had respected. I am angry, furious even. How dare he? How dare he do this to our family? When did he get so phenomenally fucked up, and why? And, of course, I am hurt. I have been hurt by the person I love most in this world to the point that it is difficult to feel pain. I am not certain whether Handsome has hit rock bottom. I thought he had been there before. (Wrong again!) I know for certain that I’m there now. I feel like I am at the absolute bottom of a deep, dark pit, staring up, not into light, but infinite darkness.
Oh no. Please just be kind to yourself right now. You will stand up again. With him or without him… you will stand up again.
Thank you for the kind words. I’m trying to be sure to eat and stay healthy and do all of the things I need to do to stay mentally and physically strong for myself and for my kids. And Handsome needs support now too. I’m trying to dig deep inside and find the grace and compassion to offer that up. It’s just hard to give so much when you’ve been hurt so badly. I think that’s true for all betrayed spouses.
I know you mentioned masturbation and porn but Do you think his sexually promiscuous behaviors were always there but was well hidden for years?
My heart is breaking reading this. Sending love and hugs.
With a bit of retrospect it all fits together. I just never had all of the information to put the pieces together. Now I do.
I know you’ve been through this and your support means a lot.
We didn’t know that we needed information, so why would we look for it?! That’s where we need to be kind and gracious with ourselves. We did nothing wrong in trusting and believing.
Have you done some critical reading on sex addicts? Even if you buy into the idea that sex addicts exist, I don’t think your Handjob knob fits the profile. I think this sounds rather narcissistic. He identifies and grooms a stable of women to meet individual needs. He needs a provider- that’s you. You keep his lifestyle and his children. He needs a sexual call on the leash- that’s the whore. He needs the flattery- that’s the young thing, the flame, and the random lady he decided to date… this is so textbook.
This is likely one of those “agree to disagree” points. And that’s okay. Honest. Handsome ticks very few traits of a narcissist. His self esteem and view of himself is just way too crappy. On the other hand, he ticks just about every box for a sex addict.
I absolutely get the hesitance of many people to buy in to the SA diagnosis. Truly, I do. I was in that camp too prior to DDay #2. But as soon as I heard the whole story… it was pretty clear to me. An analogy I read somewhere was totally on point:
If you’re hosting a birthday party at your house and you walk in the kitchen to find that your spouse has cut and eaten a piece or two of cake before you even put the candles in and sang Happy Birthday, you’d think “what an asshole.” Or “how selfish and inconsiderate and rude.” But if you walked in the kitchen to find that he had eaten the entire cake, all of the appetizers and thirty portions of the main course, there’s clearly something different going on.
Yeh. Agree to disagree. I have done plenty of research. And the man I am married to ate the party and the whole fridge. Like metal and wires and plastic drawers to boot. I don’t buy the definition of ‘addictsion’ idea because addiction would lead to- insatiable hunger regardless of source. Meaning he should have nsatiable need for sex- from his Partner. But I follow plenty of blogs who maintain it’s a thing. And if SAhelps people not be turds, that’s fine. I just think it’s a bit of a circle jerk where they learn to get off a bit on their ‘success’ of being normal and not messing around. I am also a pile of insecurities. I have no self esteem. Let me telll you it’s not a lot better based off of finding out that my husband spent a decade chasing strange while I worked my ass off for both of us. But I certainly don’t go out looking for someone to bend over for. And that’s where I lead into the idea of: most people who fall into this world are not necessarily narcissists, they have narcissistic traits. Not the same. And you talking about how hubby gets in a funk on vacation so that you and kids work extra hard for Him to have fun? Or how he has a terrible temper that is volatile and comes out when he feels… challenged? Well. That’s some work to ensure you feel off balance and working to ensure he is ok. Keeping handy job level is where your work is going when rightnow- lady you need to give yourself some love! You need to be ok for you and your kids! I’m worried for you. Keep digging. Just… keep digging.
Fat fingers replied too soon…
If Handsome derived actual pleasure from his acting out, he’d just be a serial cheater. But aside from the initial, sometimes momentary hit, he didn’t. He felt immediate shame, guilt and overwhelming sadness. So why did he do it again? It’s like chasing the dragon. He felt so awful that he kept chasing the next hit hoping it would take away some of the pain. It never did, of course, but try telling an addict that.