I have spent hours writing here about Handsome’s faults and flaws. I do, however, want to be fair and give credit where it is due. Over the last 6 weeks my husband has shown up for me in a way I haven’t really seen in a long, long time.
When I last wrote we were in the midst of Handsome’s potential dementia/ Alzheimer’s diagnosis. We are still toiling away with that as he has received differing opinions from two cognitive neurologists and also an MRI that purports to rule out both Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia. Let’s just say that getting to the bottom of this is a slow work in progress. (I still think there are serious issues. He got in the car two days ago with the TV remote instead of his phone. His ability to keep track of appointments is nil too.)
In the midst of that drama, my 89-year-old mother fell and fractured her hip. She lives with us in an addition we built on our house for her, and I am her only living relative, so coordination of all of her care fell to us. It was a ten-day stay in the hospital followed by a little more than two weeks at a rehabilitation hospital. Then, she was doing great but just wasn’t quite able to come home yet. We moved her to a skilled nursing facility near our home for some additional recovery time and rehab. That seems to be where the wheels fell off the bus.
It’s a highly regarded facility but within a week she tested positive for CDiff (funky bacterial infection that causes seemingly constant diarrhea) and developed a UTI. She is dehydrated and lightheaded and is likely headed back to a hospital to get stabilized.
I try to spend about 2 hours a day with her. And maintain my full time job. And shuttle my kids to their busy Spring schedules. And take care of my mom’s dog. I would tell you that I’m burning the candle at both ends, but there is no candle left. I don’t think that I have been this frazzled, exhausted, and emotionally spent since I brought my eldest home as a newborn.
In the midst of this, Handsome has completely stepped up to the plate. I’ve noted before that he excels at crisis management when the crisis isn’t of his own making, and that’s so true. The man has been a rock star. Our eldest gets on her school bus at 6:20AM (which is both cruel and unusual but that’s a different story). He has gotten her off to school almost every morning just to let me get an extra hour of sleep. He has played shuttle driver and defense coach and grocery shopper all on the same day. He has taken me out to dinner more nights than I can count just so I could get a decent meal and maybe a few moments to relax. He laughs at my bad hospital jokes and walks the dog before bed for me.
When I called him in hysterical tears because I snagged Taylor Swift tickets for our daughter and then had issues checking out, he calmly took over and emerged with the coveted seats. Then he did it again two weeks later when Beyoncé’s tour went on sale and I had a similar issue. (Ticketmaster is literally responsible for the record pace at which my roots are growing out this month. 👵🏻) He’s not a fan of either artist but said it was important that I would have something to look forward to this Summer.
He dishes out random hugs and has watched silly TV shows with me while I try to decompress. He runs interference with our kids so I don’t have to worry about the missing cleat, forgotten homework, or arguments over chores.
Do I wish that he had showed up like this after DDay? Of course. But I’ll take it now. Happily. It’s a much more mature and balanced support than I’ve seen before. There is no hidden resentment, no mumbling under his breath, no sighing loud and useless sighs. He’s just buckling down and helping. I’m incredibly appreciative. This feels like a partnership. As unfortunate as the circumstances are, this still feels good.
This is lovely to hear, BA. Glad he is filling your cup when it is so depleted xxx
It took so much work to get to this point, but here we are. Finally. 🙏🏼❤️
Keep it up, BA and Handsome 👏👏👏
I’m so sorry to hear about your mom, and the tremendous pressure you are under at the moment. But what a beautiful tribute to your husband. I’m with you on this: credit where credit it is due. And I also wish you a slower pace of life!!!
Thank you DLH! I don’t think that slow is in the cards for me for awhile, but at least I feel loved and supported. That’s such a relief. It lifts the weight of the world a bit. ❤️
Showing up like this is so important. My husband has done a lot for me, too, and for my family (which I regret, b/c frankly, they aren’t worthy – I still want to blog about that). He couldn’t show up early on; he was so depressed, and I was so traumatized.
When I needed him, though, he’s been there. I’m with you – give credit – and I thank him for going the “extra” when needed. I surely hope your life has less crises to manage.
It has been so meaningful that he has been able to support me. And he’s been consistent about it for 2 months and counting, through some very hard days. I’m very grateful.
I’m glad your husband has been able to show up for you too. They put us through hell, but after tons (and tons) of work we’re seeing why we hung in there. ❤️
I am sorry to hear of the stress that has been coming your way. Huge hugs and energy being sent your way. I found myself reading this, especially your last part, and saying out loud ‘ the hear and now it is the small things.’ It’s good to hear he is doing those things now, when you need them. ❤️
Thank you Rosie, as always. ❤️ Such a relief he is showing up.